It happens that you want to change the image, but you can’t decide on a specific choice. It is for this case that we have prepared for you a catalog of women’s haircuts for different hair lengths with photos and names. Look, choose and be inspired!
Women’s haircuts for short hair
Short haircuts have been in trend for several seasons, and will remain with us in the near future. They are especially good for the summer, which is just around the corner.
Undoubtedly, the most popular haircut of recent seasons. Depending on the styling, the pixie looks very elegant or just as bold and defiant.

Short bob
The maximum length of a shortened caret is up to the chin, and it can be even shorter. This is a wonderful choice if you have straight, but quite voluminous and thick hair.

If you need to add volume to short hair, there is no better option than a bean. The whole secret is in the filigree construction of lines and cut, thanks to which the roundness of the shape is achieved.

Military style haircuts are extremely short and equally extremely simple haircuts for a typewriter. For a long time they were worn exclusively by men, but now they are one of the latest trends in fashion.

Another haircut «under the boy», but this time much more feminine and sophisticated. It does not require styling at all and is combined with any look: from a tracksuit to an evening dress.

It is also called a haircut under the pot, and it flawlessly emphasizes the cheekbones and facial features in general. But, we must admit that it really is not suitable for everyone.

Haircuts with curly cuts
This is what the shaved parts in short haircuts are called. Usually it is whiskey or the back of the head, but bold experiments are now in vogue. Curly cuts in the form of lines, stars or patterns look very impressive.

One of the classic and very sophisticated women’s haircuts for lovers of the classics. Once the fashion for it was set by Mireille Mathieu, and now the original rounded shape is relevant again. Especially with long bangs to the eyes.

Women’s haircuts for medium hair
The average length opens up unlimited space for experimentation. All kinds of modifications of both short and long hairstyles are available to you for every taste.
The traditional caret approximately to the shoulders is suitable for all women without exception. You just need to decide: with or without bangs, with a straight cut or with a torn edge.

Photo: dnpr.com.ua
This haircut combines the best features of both. There is volume, a beautiful graphic cut, and elongated strands near the face. The bob looks very elegant and grows beautifully, unlike many short haircuts.

Another very versatile option, but, unlike a square, is lighter and more daring. A cascade with a frayed edge adds volume to straight hair and helps organize curls.

The ladder differs from the cascade in the specifics of the cut, and it is less chaotic and disorderly. Most often, these are shortened strands near the face, which become longer closer to the back of the head. Very comfortable hairstyle for curls or voluminous straight styling.

Creative disorder — that’s how you can characterize rhapsody. At the face, it resembles a ladder, but then all the strands are cut so that they are distinctly different lengths. Even in the morning, waking up, Rhapsody looks fresh and neat.

Lovers of sophisticated and feminine looks should definitely pay attention to this haircut. And it is also ideal for an elongated face, because it hides the forehead and visually adds volume.

A sloppy and tousled haircut actually requires great professionalism of the master. The whole secret here is in the layering and uneven ends, due to which the appearance of volume is created.

Another haircut that went out of trend for a long time, but is now rapidly returning. Aurora attracts extravagant fashionistas because she always turns out to be bold, unique and inimitable.

Women’s haircuts for long hair
A long mop is a real decoration in itself. But we will tell you how to make it even more spectacular and beautiful!
Fox’s tail
The fox tail is increasingly replacing the straight cut among the basic and universal solutions. The bottom line is that at the back it resembles the letter «V». Moreover, this is a great option for both straight and wavy hair.

long cascade
Cascade is suitable for everyone and for all occasions. It can be almost invisible or deliberately rude, but it always looks good and spectacular. Thanks to this, such a simple haircut has long been considered a classic.

long ladder
On long hair, the difference between the ladder and the cascade is especially clearly visible. The shortened strands near the face gradually become longer and longer.

Ragged haircut
If the hair is thick enough, ragged haircuts look just amazing. The difference in the length of the strands can be very impressive — that’s the feature.

Another layered haircut with sharp level transitions, which seems to be made for styling experiments. No wonder long-haired Hollywood fashionistas love her so much!

straight cut
It is impossible to talk about long hairstyles and get around the basic straight cut. Especially now, when the deliberate geometricity is back in fashion.

Long bob
Yes, most often bob-car is done on short and medium hair. But the fashion for asymmetry and layering has brought its changes. The elongated side strands along the face look very impressive.

Cap for long hair
Such a hat is fundamentally different from a short one. The bottom line is that the top layer of hair is cut off quite shortly, but then the length remains. Thus, you can create volume at the crown or at the temples.

Source — https://lafoy.ru/vidy-zhenskih-strizhek-nazvaniya-i-foto-1740
8 trendy women’s haircuts in 2022
Haircuts for long hair cannot be imagined without a cascade. A universal hairstyle suits absolutely everyone — neither the thickness of the hair nor the shape of your face matters to it. Thanks to this haircut, the hair acquires additional volume, and the image becomes harmonious and relevant.
The classic version is a haircut with strands of different lengths, smoothly turning into each other. The cascade can be performed either over the entire head, or only on the strands framing the face. You can distinguish a cascade with an elongated oblique bangs, which is perfect for girls with a round face.
Graduated haircuts
If the first option uses a smooth transition of length, then with a graduated haircut, everything is completely different. It is distinguished by multi-level strands, the difference in length of which can be very large. For example, on one side, the strands are left straight, and on the other, they are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. In addition, such a haircut can immediately include 2 or even 3 lengths. This is precisely its main charm.
Graduated hairstyles look very impressive, but require special care. Do not be lazy to regularly cut split ends, and also use products for frizzy hair.
Another non-replaceable trend of 2022 that will always be in fashion. Specialists distinguish several subspecies of the bean:
- with a sharp elongation;
- textural — the ends of the hair are cut using the ladder technique and milled a little;
- asymmetric — if earlier either the occipital zone or the hair in front was distinguished by asymmetry, then in the coming year, designers offer a completely different approach. Now you can leave a few elongated strands in the middle;
- with a shaved nape — the perfect solution for fans of short haircuts. The length of the hair in front reaches the classic level, and the occipital area is cut as short as possible. With an almost shaved nape, the hair at the crown becomes very lush.
The popularity of this haircut for medium hair is only growing every year. In the current fashion season 2022, three of all types of squares are distinguished at once:
- with lengthening near the face — then a kind of compromise between long hair and a neat hairstyle. If you look at it in profile, you get an acute angle. A bob with elongation is also often complemented with straight or oblique bangs;
- with graduated strands — the ends of the strands are cut in steps that create additional volume. If desired, the gradation is supplemented with a straight bang;
- ultra-short straight — the length of the hair is cut at the level of the earlobes.
True, other options are also very popular.
By the way, do you know how to choose a shade of hair according to the color type of the face?
Fashionable haircuts for short hair cannot do without a pixie. Its main feature is a shortened occipital and temporal region. The hairstyle is made with voluminous strands of different lengths, as well as a sparse bangs cut in a semicircle.
How to make hair shiny and smooth? 3 super tips:
For extravagant ladies, there is a wonderful fashion trend called the mohawk. This haircut involves completely shaved temples (sometimes they are cut under the “hedgehog”) and a thick mop of strands at the back of the head. You can style the mohawk in different ways — comb and lift, tie in a smooth tail, wear with loose hair, comb it in the side parting.
Fashion asymmetry
An asymmetrical hairstyle goes with any face shape, and in some cases it even helps to visually stretch it. Among the brave youth, it is customary to completely shave off the strands on one side and leave the length on the other.
under the boy
Active modern ladies will surely like a boyish haircut. She has one unique property — she emphasizes the charm of young girls and makes ladies much younger in age. And in terms of convenience, this haircut beats all possible records.
Thinking about styling, consider the shape of the face and the structure of the hair. You can create a creative mess, comb your hair smoothly to the side or back, lay it in neat strands with wax.