Кутикула — это тоненькая кожица, которая окантовывает ноготь человека у его основания. Кутикула всегда состоит из двух частей — поверхностной, которая называется птеригий, и внутренней — эпонихий. Попросту
С обложек глянцевых журналов и экранов телевизоров на нас глядят модели с идеальными чертами лица и без малейшего намека на щеки. Что же делать тем, кого природа не
Современный ритм жизни берет свое – часто нет времени не только на посещение косметолога, но и на обычный домашний уход за собой. Со временем отсутствие должного внимания скажется
Проблема синих кругов под глазами знакома многим обладательницам нежной кожи. Часто сквозь тоненькую кожу просвечивают мелкие сосудики. Более темный оттенок получается из-за заболеваний почек, сердца или эндокринной системы.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an increasingly popular procedure in regenerative medicine. It involves injecting a concentrated dose of platelets into damaged tissues to stimulate healing and accelerate
Lake Como has become one of the most desirable wedding destinations in the world due to its natural beauty and luxury amenities. Picturesque views, stunning architecture, and charming
Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway with your loved one, planning a family reunion at a special location, or planning an outdoor adventure with friends, there are
Christmas is a time to celebrate with your family. It is also a time to decorate your home. Most stores sell Christmas decorations such as wreaths and poinsettias.
In the whimsical world of laundo kids store, there is a place for everyone. The name itself means “to wash” in Russian, and the store owners wanted it
Winter holidays are traditionally one of the most popular and important holidays in the world. New Year symbolizes not only the change of a certain period, but also
A single workplace mishap can leave a significant impact on your performance. It gets even worse for the business owner as he/she can get caught up between
An average woman spends more than $15,000 on makeup throughout her life, with a monthly cost of over $40. Many of us have learned different makeup hacks over
Shoes are part and parcel of your day-to-day life. You need them for various reasons. However, you need to know that there are many types of shoes and
If you’re on the lookout for a new men’s toupee, human hair wig or human hair topper, a full lace hair system may be the best option for
Gems are normally shaped minerals and rocks. Genuine mineral gems have a glasslike structure and are known for their mending powers. Numerous individuals consider precious stones Mother Nature’s
True, sandals have become every man’s easy-to-go footwear option, so you should also ponder to have them in your wardrobe for styling your feet amazingly for various formal
Instead of running mall to mall or shoe store outlets to another, you can now simply order your favorite shoes online! How amazing is that? Well, if you
The concept of wearable art first emerged during the ‘60s and ‘70s and grew more popular in the 2000s. The idea is to get art off the museum
It’s no secret that the beauty industry is worth billions—and it’s not hard to see why. The average woman will spend around $15,000 on beauty products within her
Ralph Lauren brand can be considered synonymous with high-quality and premium clothing. The brand is owned by legendary Ralph Lauren, an American by blood. This remarkable brand was